Removable prostheses

Rigid and flexible

The removable Prostheses can be removed at any time from the mouth and you can put it back in the same position.

Replacement prostheses for missing natural teeth.


  • replacement of missing teeth
  • the prevention of inclination and migration of the natural teeth
  • the recovery from chewing and phonation
  • the restoration of teeth and facial aesthetics

Expectations towards the prosthesis

  • it should fit harmoniously into the living body in which it cooperates with the chewing function
  • it should not cause any pathological changes in the body
  • it should not trigger allergic reactions and it should have no reaction with the saliva
  • it should be easy to clean and it should have color and shape retention
  • it should reflect the specifics of the age and gender
  • prosthesis should be aesthetically with the original teeth


  • rigid
  • flexible


The chewing pressure should be evenly loaded between the artificial and natural teeth.


The chewing pressure is not evenly loaded between the artificial and natural teeth.


  • baseplate
  • artificial teeth
  • artificial gingiva (saddle)
  • anchorage system

Artificial gingiva (saddle)

Carries the Dental prosthesis and takes over the chewing pressure.


Binds the saddle together.

Artificial teeth

They are made of acrylic or ceramic in a factory or individually.

Fixing elements

Different Anchors.


  • Normal polymerization: pressed in traditional cuvette
  • Casting acrylate: prepared by high pressure polymerization
  • Injection procedure: in a special cuvette, usually from a self polymerizing material